Saturday, May 20, 2017

Can I Just

Can I happy?
Is that okay?
Can I just be loved
Can someone just
Choose me
Over the opinions of others?
I don't know a mother's love.
Nor a father's.
I know the love
I give myself
Not near enough.


I just want to look at you
In the low light
Of a cabin in the woods
I want to curl up in your lap
I want to bury my face in your sweater
I want to watch the steam from my hot tea
Fog up your glasses
And warm up your lips
Before I kiss them
I want to look out the window
And see evergreens
I want to listen to silence
And crackling flames
And I couldn't care less
If the world burned
Because we wouldn't matter
And that's all I want
To be completely non-existent
With you

Word Porn

"Do you want to know something?" I did. I really did. Every time she talked I clung to every syllable, and breathed in every wo...